Senin, 29 Februari 2016

We are MathTwelve

Hai long time no see, udah lama banget gue ga ngeblog ada kali sekitar 3 tahun. Bukannya males atau apa cuma lagi fokus ke kuliah aja dan lagi ngejar target buat lulus tahun ini :)

Oiya kali ini gue mau cerita tentang keluarga baru gue, yaitu anak-anak Matematika Universitas Sebelas Maret angkatan 2012. Mereka adalah keluarga baru buat gue, kenapa ? Soalnya mereka yang selalu ada dan selalu bantu gue kalo gue kesulitan, secara gue anak rantau yang jauh dari keluarga jadi siapa lagi yang gue cari dan gue mintain tolong kalo bukan mereka. Udah hampir 4 tahun kita bareng-bareng, ga kerasa yaaa kita udah di ujung perjuangan, sebentar lagi kita bakal lulus dan menyandang gelar Sarjana Sains, OMG kereeeeen banget!!!!!

Tapi, dibalik kebahagiaan itu terselip juga kesedihan. Kok sedih ? iya lah sedih soalnya bakalan pisah dan pastinya kalian bakal menempuh jalan kalian masing-masing untuk menuju kesuksesan. Yaaa begitu lah hidup setiap ada pertemuan pasti ada perpisahan dan gue beruntung banget bisa kenal sama kalian dan menjadi bagian dari kalian. So, see you on top guys :)

Let me introduce my family in here (from under, left to the right)
1. Intan - Trionika - Bening - Windy - Nury - Ade - Fratika - April - Reva - Eka F. - Ndanda - Me -Susantini - Hidra

2. Lia - Grace - Mary - Dwi S. - Maylinda - Hani - Ardina - Karima - Tika - Yohani - Riris - Dewa - Ekalis - Retno

3. Liana - Ratri - Lusi - Annisa - Fifi - Faifar - Kiki - Sisca R. - Siska M. - Fany - Arantika - Afina - Meta

4. Victor - Dwi A. - Wisnu - Andi - Mizan - Yoyok - Ihti - Endra - Isnanto (Korti)

5. Awan - Bayu - Daus - Novan - Ridwan.

Minggu, 25 Agustus 2013

DIY : Perforated Length Clothes

Hello guuuyyys!!!
Today i feel bored because i have a long long holiday but i don't know what i'm going to do.

Finally, i cleaned my room and i found some clothes that unused.
walllaaaa i have an idea, i want make my clothes different from usual.
So, i recycle it until get a new design.

You just need scissors, thread, needles, and most important some clothes that unused.

first, cut the fabric that is in the neck.

then, cut lengthwise in the back of clothes.

combine existing pieces above and below then give a little fabric to beautify.

Sew smaller pieces of fabric till they are not easily separated.

and walaaaa the new clothes is ready to use

It's all about your creativity, so you can try this if you want :)

Minggu, 28 Juli 2013

We Call It SHIMIZU ♥

New world and new friends, yeah that is my new life in Sebelas Maret University majoring Mathematics :)
Some unpredictable moment and crazy people make us become always together and we call our friendship as SHIMIZU.
SHIMIZU ? it is just a name that we use to call our friendship.
We need each other, we laugh together, and we fight together for our future, yeah that is our togetherness.
Thank you friends, because of you my life seems brighter and more colorful :)

Senin, 26 November 2012

Minggu, 04 November 2012

My Contemporer Paint

To make Contemporer Paint you just need paper (size A4), Poster Paint, Paint Brush, and Your imagination hehe :p

You can draw anything in paper and color it.

Just simple to do it, Good Luck yaa :)